A Lucky Girl’s Life: Smoothies for the Mind & After Thanksgiving Body
If you happen to be like most Americans, chances are you ate more than you normally do on Thanksgiving. Which means you may be feeling a little guilty (and puffy) today. Forgo the white carbohydrate-heavy leftovers and replenish the good stuff your body needs with smoothies.
There are other times when we are simply too busy to eat as we should. Smoothies are great plant-based mood boosters that help our bodies to repair and rejuvenate. Try a one of these drinks for optimal health and feel the difference. There are many variations, so feel free to be as creative as you like. Your mind & body will love you for it!
For a brain boosting nutrients to keep you focused and improve your memory try this recipe:
Mind Make-Over Smoothie
- 1 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries (for memory; also helps to break down fat)
- 1/4 cup of Greek vanilla or plain non-fat yogurt (a great source of protein)
- 1/2 cup of almond milk (good source of calcium, vitamins A, D & E. Also good for improving lung function)
- 1/2 avocado (benefits mind, body and spirit. Good to eat daily!)
- 1 tablespoon of walnuts for extra brain power (brain functions better with omega -3 fatty acids)
- Add ice cubes after blending other ingredients.
Slim down with this tasty smoothie…
A Fit Body Smoothie (Perfect for Post Thanksgiving Day)
- 1 cup of coconut water (aids in weight loss)
- 1/2 cup of fresh pineapple (contains a digestive enzyme)
- 1 cucumber chopped (high in silica, great for your hair & skin)
- 1/2 of an avocado (helps to boost metabolism)
- 1/2 of a lime with pith and a small amt. of zest (improves kidney function and gives you a radiant complexion)
- 1 teaspoon of fresh chopped mint
- Add ice cubes after blending all other ingredients
Beat depression with this smoothie recipe:
Lift Your Spirit Smoothie
- 1/2 of a raw beet chopped (fights depression and purifies your blood)
- 1 organic apple w/ seeds and skin (powerful disease fighter for many reasons)
- 5 organic strawberries (optional) can reduce pain, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer
- 1/2 cup of quality water
- 1/2 of lime w/ pith and small amt. of zest (great to add to all smoothies!)
- 1 sprig of fresh rosemary (take off of stem and chop); Improves focus, fights depression. *Add mint if you do not have rosemary
- 1 tablespoon of maca root (improves sexual vitality) or goji berries (powerful antioxidant that improves your mood)
- Add ice at the end of blending ingredients.
If you would like to learn more about eating with a purpose take my H.E.A.L. Yourself Now Class. I also provide private consultations for those who wish to know more about healthy eating and an active lifestyle. Call Christy Stone Trala @ 410-251-6977. “Have a healthy day!”