Essential Oils for Stress & Anxiety | Farm Foodie Fitness
Take a breath…Exhale…. Whewww! Summer has blown by this year! I don’t know about yours but mine has been jammed packed! These past few weeks I have been running like a crazy woman. Between Pilates, cooking demonstrations, book signings, clients, events, seminars, and fundraisers, I’ve been racing the clock to see if I can get it all done. And with a husband with a huge off shore fishing habit and two small children it’s no wonder I have been feeling so overwhelmed and slightly stressed With school starting and my “season” beginning to slow down I can see the light at the end of the tunnel finally!
Honestly, the number one thing that has gotten me through this whirlwind of a summer has been my essential oils. I honestly can’t remember a day that has gone by that I haven’t used at least one since I started using them months ago. We all know anxiety and stress can wreak havoc on our immune system, bodies, skin, and overall health. So how can we help ourselves keep the stress at bay and keep the anxiety levels in check when we’re all so busy?
Here are a few of my favorites to help with those crazy days that you want to wish away or when the kids have you so frazzled you can barely think straight to put on your own shoes. These oils are from do Terra and can be purchased right from my website. If you’re interested in trying or ordering some-message me and I can walk you through the process or you can also order retail.
Wild Orange- If you need a mood booster! This is the one! Diffuse it into the air, add it to your water, rub it on your temples. If you’re cranky, irritated, miserable, tired, overwhelmed, exhausted, this oil will put you in the best mood in a matter of seconds!!
Intune-Focus Blend- This blend helps support a healthy thought process, enhances focus, helps you stay on task, helps you pay attention, and helps with controlling behavior. This is great for anyone with ADHD as well! Breathe it in, diffuse into the air, or apply topically.
Balance- Perfect for grounding. It also give you a sense of well-being and calmness. Promotes tranquility, a sense of balance and connect. Apply it to the feet, back of the neck or chest. It can also be diffused into the air.
Serenity- This one is guaranteed to calm you down! It gives you a sense of well-being and relaxation. This is great for those days you really have the blues and just can’t get that spring into your step. Use this oil blend with anxiety, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, lost, and even when you just can’t get your mind to settle long enough to focus on one task. Diffuse into the air or apply to chest, feet, and body.
Here’s to a calmer mind, relaxed muscles, and shorter to do list!!!
***Remember to always seek medical help if you have signs of depression and thoughts of suicide. Oils should not replace medication or anything that has been prescribed by a doctor.***