Happy Hour Todcast Episode 127
Synopsis: With help from special guest Rich Liebig, of The Crispy Noodle podcast, in this week’s Todcast we discard the phrase “Girly Drink” in favor of the more descriptive and accurate “Metro Drink.” I think girly drink is offensive to women while Rich claims it’s offensive to him. We also discuss the pros and cons of the attitude that getting drunk is somehow a goal of drinking. I’m more about the taste experience. In this week’s Todcast blog: “Alcohol Detente” I think I lay out a pretty good case for the substance and style of a decent drink.
Regret the Error
Also alcohol related this week, I disparaged Sailor Jerry rum last week and wanted to clarify. Briefly: Todd told the story of a friend who ordered a Sailor Jerry and Coke at a high end cocktail bar which carried neither Sailor Jerry nor Coke. I suggested that Sailor Jerry was too low rent to be in a high-end cocktail bar.
Whether or not that’s the case, I admit that I hadn’t tried Sailor Jerry at the time because it looks too trendy. My research indicates makes a perfectly acceptable rum and ginger ale.
Todd’s Two Cents
Todd has a shifting birthday policy. Although his birthday is scheduled to occur August 13, he normally picks a run of several fund events in a row and claims them for his birthday. This year he claimed the week ending before his birthday (last week) and expressed ambivalence over the fact that his kids weren’t included in his plans.
We discussed the weird duality of relishing being a temporary empty nester. It’s weird to deal with the elation of being free from the minute-to-minute responsibilities of parenting and the guilt that comes from that freedom.
Seven Days of Todd Man Out
Monday: Dinner at the Waystead Inn
Tuesday: Todcast at Burley Oak, Todd’s Birthday, Mackey’s Theme Party: Hippies
Wednesday: Bacardi Bak to the 80s party Seacrets
Thursday: #Mdsnextbigthing Building on other people’s shortsightedness Summer Fruit Cocktails dinner.
Friday: Live Licks at Six featuring Higher Education
Sat: Party Zone
Sunday: Block Stock 48 bands at the Party Block in Ocean City
State of the Beer
In Brian’s absence, Rich gives a brief review of Waffle Stomper and Todd and I run down the board. There’s Rude Boy still on Nitro I think, and SummaRye, among others.