The local Kiwanis Club for elementary school children at Buckingham Elementary School, known as K-Kids, is committed to community service projects. One of the latest was the Valentine Candy-Gram Fundraiser. Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines – Ocean City members donated the Tootsie POPS and helped the K-Kids tie red or pink ribbons onto the Tootsie POPS in preparation for K-Kids to sell. Pictured at the tying session are Alexis Walker, Ruby Duval, Si’yonna Foreman, Shania Downing, Dy’asia Johnson and Frankie Richwalski, Charlene Vanvick, Maxine Brisbane, Stella Hartington, Kiwanis Advisor to Buckingham K-Kids BJ Baker, Wilma Chinn, Debi Wooten, Kiwanian Ralph Chinn and K-Kids advisor/teacher Julie Young.