
Rehoboth Beach Museum presents folklorist Ed Okonowicz, February 7 at 7pm. The discussion, Food-lore, covers all of our favorite local eats, from scrapple to muskrat, proving that what we eat tells much about our regional identity, as well as, our family history. Okonowicz offers insight into Delaware’s food lore in a Powerpoint presentation and through a conversation with his audience. In conjunction with the Museum’s Beach Eats exhibit, the program will explore the heritage of diverse foods both grown and prepared throughout the Delaware region.

For admission to this event, participants are asked to bring a non-perishable item for the Food Bank of Delaware. Reservations are required; call 302-227-7310. The Rehoboth Beach Museum is located at 511 Rehoboth Avenue next to the Visitor’s Center. Parking is available and the museum is handicapped accessible. Museum hours are Monday and Friday, 10 am to 4pm; Saturday and Sunday 11am to 3pm.

Okonowicz, a Delaware native, presents storytelling programs throughout the Mid-Atlantic region and has written more than two dozen books on Delaware and Maryland folklore. A few favorites include, Phantoms at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry and So You Think You Know It All About Delaware.

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