1015931_10152324258182494_1775590887_oAre you over this dreary cold winter? Looking for something to do this weekend, whether you have a Valentine or not? Fager’s Island has you covered for Friday and Saturday!

Friday night is the 2nd Annual Songwriters By the Bay featuring Nate Clendenen, Nancy Micciulla, Jordan Sokel, CJ Cutsail, Tim Cooney and Nate McCormick. We attended this event last year and it made for a wonderful Valentine’s experience. Come early for dinner and stay for amazing entertainment. Photos of last years event can be seen here.



On Saturday is another daytime event, Fager’s is famous for these! This time it is The Oyster Garden! Here is what Fager’s has to say about this event:

1798740_10151908776156262_1188976599_nWe invite you to come to Fager’s island Saturday February 15 th from 1 to 5 pm to our Oyster Garden Event. Representatives from five local companies that are cultivating and raising oyster beds will be on hand to shuck their oysters and tell their stories. Bay Landing Shellfish Co., War Shore Oyster Co., Hollywood Oyster Co., Toby Island Oyster Co, and Hooper’s Island Oyster Aquaculture Co. The ORP will be there to talk about state efforts to support and grow the state aquaculture. Nick Schauman from the Local Oyster, an official oyster gourmand will be on hand to talk oysters and provide you with a variety of oyster presentations for your dining pleasure. It will be a great opportunity to find out about how this movement is evolving and the real successes that are being achieved.

And there will be beer.

Flying Dog Brewery will be on hand featuring their Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout, featuring rapahhonick oysters, Flying Dog is a huge proponent and supporter of oyster aquaculture. Evolution Craft Brewing will be on hand with their Incubator Oyster stout, made with swecanoscott oysters.

Fager’s island will add in some great BBQ ribs and chicken, and Bobby and Darrin from Opposite Directions will be on hand to keep you moving.

If you love oysters please come, if you have never tried an oyster, please come. We are calling it the Oyster Garden in honor of the oyster growers, but being the day after Valentine’s Day, what better time to consume oysters?

30$ ticket, all you can eat, and unlimited beer samples. 5$ of each ticket will go directly to the ORP.