Wor-Wic Recognizes Employees
Wor-Wic Community College employees received awards for 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 years of service at a recent all-staff meeting at the college. Pictured, front from left, are Quetta L. Smith of Salisbury, recognized for 35 years of service; Ronald G. Dolch of Allen, recognized for 25 years of service; and Dawn M. Thompson of Sharptown, recognized for 20 years of service; and, back, Terrie L. Stevenson of Pittsville and Fredricka B. Harrington of Snow Hill, who were recognized for 20 years of service, and Dr. Allison S. Bartlett of Ocean City, recognized for 15 years of service. Not pictured are Mary V. Webster of Delmar, Del., recognized for 30 years of service, and Ellen C. Wallace of Snow Hill, recognized for 20 years of service.